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How can I cancel a pre-booked lounge and get a refund?
You can receive a full refund if you cancel your pre-booked lounge visit at least 48 hours prior to the arrival time specified in your booking confirmation email. Bookings cannot be cancelled within 48 hours of arrival time, including new bookings made within that time range.
You will receive a full refund within 10 days.
Refundable and non-refundable cancellation examples:
• Cancel up to 48 hours before booking to receive a full refund.
• Bookings cannot be cancelled within 48 hours of booking arrival time, including new bookings made within that time range. Booking timeslots are shown in the time zone of the lounge location.
• Cancellation up to 48 hours before booking: You have a booking for next week. If you cancel it today, which is more than 48 hours before your arrival time, you will receive a full refund.
• Cancellation up to 48 hours before booking: You have a booking for tomorrow. If you try to cancel it today, which is less than 48 hours before your arrival time, you will not be eligible for a cancellation and refund.
• New booking within 48 hours: You made a booking this morning for this evening, which is within 48 hours of your arrival time, and then decide that you no longer want to use it. Please note that you will not be eligible for a cancellation and refund.
• Unused bookings shall not be refunded for any reason whatsoever.
• No-show: If you make a lounge booking but don't show up at the reserved time, you will not be eligible for a refund. Unused bookings are non-refundable.
• Change of Plans: If you change your travel plans and decide not to use the lounge booking, please be aware that it is non-refundable, regardless of the reason for the change. However, if you cancel your booking 48 hours prior to the scheduled time, you will receive a full refund.
• Booking Mistake: If you accidentally make a booking for the wrong date or time and don't use it, it cannot be refunded. Unused bookings are non-refundable, even in cases of user error. However, you can cancel up to 48 hours before booking to receive a full refund.
• Flight Cancellation: If your flight is canceled or rescheduled, and you can no longer use your lounge booking, please be aware that it will not be refunded. Unused bookings remain non-refundable.
You will receive a full refund within 10 days.
Refundable and non-refundable cancellation examples:
• Cancel up to 48 hours before booking to receive a full refund.
• Bookings cannot be cancelled within 48 hours of booking arrival time, including new bookings made within that time range. Booking timeslots are shown in the time zone of the lounge location.
• Cancellation up to 48 hours before booking: You have a booking for next week. If you cancel it today, which is more than 48 hours before your arrival time, you will receive a full refund.
• Cancellation up to 48 hours before booking: You have a booking for tomorrow. If you try to cancel it today, which is less than 48 hours before your arrival time, you will not be eligible for a cancellation and refund.
• New booking within 48 hours: You made a booking this morning for this evening, which is within 48 hours of your arrival time, and then decide that you no longer want to use it. Please note that you will not be eligible for a cancellation and refund.
• Unused bookings shall not be refunded for any reason whatsoever.
• No-show: If you make a lounge booking but don't show up at the reserved time, you will not be eligible for a refund. Unused bookings are non-refundable.
• Change of Plans: If you change your travel plans and decide not to use the lounge booking, please be aware that it is non-refundable, regardless of the reason for the change. However, if you cancel your booking 48 hours prior to the scheduled time, you will receive a full refund.
• Booking Mistake: If you accidentally make a booking for the wrong date or time and don't use it, it cannot be refunded. Unused bookings are non-refundable, even in cases of user error. However, you can cancel up to 48 hours before booking to receive a full refund.
• Flight Cancellation: If your flight is canceled or rescheduled, and you can no longer use your lounge booking, please be aware that it will not be refunded. Unused bookings remain non-refundable.
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