Pre-booking fee varies, you will be advised the cost when you pre-book the respective lounge. This is an additonal charge and is separate from your entitlem...
Infants under the age of 2 can be included in your pre-booking at no extra cost.
All payment cards are accepted in addition to Apple Pay, Google Pay, Klarna, WeChat, PayPal and Alipay.
Yes, the full payment will be taken at the time of making a booking request. If your request is declined you will receive a full refund.
You can receive a full refund if you cancel your pre-booked lounge visit at least 48 hours prior to the arrival time specified in your booking confirmation ...
Once you've made a booking with us, you will see a confirmation screen that your booking is being processed. You will be sent an email to confirm if th...
Once you've cancelled a booking with us, you will see a cancellation screen and receive a cancellation email. If you cannot find the cancellation in you...
If the "Pre-book" button is not visible, it could be due to caching on your device. Although "Pre-book" access is typically available to...